"For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven:
and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down and a time to build up; ...
A new season is being ushered in. As I have spent much time resting and soaking up time with The Lord, I have been in a season of healing. It has been a healing process the likes of which I have not felt for some time. To some of my friends I have described the last few months as a whirlwind of seasons hitting all at once. There has been time to grieve, time to reap and to reflect, time to recharge and time to just 'be' at the feet of Jesus. It has been a bittersweet time.
...a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance,...
Looking back brings pangs of sadness as I grieve over losses and am reminded of experiences that left their wounding imprints. Then, with an open and emotionally raw heart, one that has left itself exposed to the healing touch of the Father, I can look forward. Sadness is displaced with gladness. He draws me toward the next steps. My steps are smaller than before, but He nudges me forward gently.
I turn towards that which I have to be thankful for, and am strengthened through the words stored in my heart (Psalm 119:11), I begin to smile over many fond memories. The underlying joy that resides deep within me breaks forth and the darkness dissipates enough so that I may clearly see the presence of my Lord, right there with me.
Though the gusts flare up occasionally, the wind is dying down.
The brightness of the Son shines through and shows me new glories.
As brightness come forth, the Christmas season is ushered in.
In this new season, my heart is in a much more
child-like state. It is not a child-like state that is encumbered by the
things of the world or engrossed in the immature ways of whining and
demanding. What it is, is a child like state of knowing that I am cared
for and that what I have need of is given to me.
We do not have a steady income. Our future is uncertain. There are many reasons to worry, to feel anxious and to reflect with feelings of failure. Often I do tend to feel uneasy, but overall this new child-like state settles in. I am safe, I am loved, I am accepted and I am in the hands of the most capable and loving Father anyone can have.
This is the year where I no longer care for the ways of hustling and bustling from store to store. I no longer care to buy things we cannot afford in an attempt to give my children beautiful memories of waking up to a tree filled with presents on Christmas morning. This is the year my children no longer care for it either.
This year, what I give, is not something I bought. This year, what I give was given to me. It is something that was purchased by my Father. Through the gift of His son, the baby in whom we rejoice at Christmas time, the baby who would later be given up to the cross as the purchase price for me...through this gift, I have peace and I have joy. These are gifts that come in, overflow, and are then given to others.
This year, I will give out of the overflow of what I have been given and it means that things will look a lot different this Christmas season.
The gifts of peace and joy are expressed in so many different ways and look different to different people.
Often, it looks like the sharing or our homes, our possessions and our time others. It can look like serving others in need. It can also look like a smile and sincere appreciation and recognition to someone who needs the love and compassion of others. Which is really all of us.
It looks like wonder and awe. It looks like peace and it looks like joy.
It looks like appreciation and contentment.
For me, this looks like the time to begin something new.
It is time to step forward in new ways.
It is time to create new memories.
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together - Ephesians 3:1-5a
It is time to gather new stones...to build anew.
It is time for The Christmas Collective...
What is The Christmas Collective?
Come on back to find out!
Come on back to find out!
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