Why the name? About this blog

Because life is messy, imperfect & real.  Because sometimes we have desires and longings that seem to unravel or never seem to become fulfilled in the first place.  Because sometimes our relationships don't go the way we hoped and dreamed they would. Because sometimes we feel hurt, lost, sad, anxious and fearful. Because we struggle with figuring out this thing called life and fall along the way.

Because sometimes our responses to our husbands, children and friends are, well, not so perfect.

Because sometimes we pursue grand ideas in cleaning, organizing, gardening, cooking, parenting, new businesses, herbs, and more and sometimes they just don't turn out right... 

Because sometimes we start a project and don't finish. Because sometimes we look at Pinterest and realize that we might not have gotten that gene.

Because sometimes really hard things in life knock us off of our feet and we don't know how to get back up again.

Because sometimes...failing or falling down is just part of life. Because in our times of greatest need, His greatest is needed even more.  And because He is always there to offer what He has.

Because He lifts us up. Because He is the source of new mercies every morning and because He is the giver of a steadfast love.

Because he strengthens us. Because he reminds us to "Be strong and courageous".

Because there is a greater purpose that we cannot see. Because even though it isn't easy, and even though we keep making mistakes, we must Seek Him & Trust Him every day in ALL things.

Because He is the great "I AM".

Because I am not perfect, but He is, and I need Him. 

For more - please see the post New Season - New Blog - New Mercies - New Hope

1 comment:

  1. Amen and I Need to read this reminder each & every day!
