Showing posts with label Pondering in Dialogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pondering in Dialogue. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ask, Seek, Knock...Receive

What is that you said?

"For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God."
-Deuteronomy 4:24

You are a jealous God? What do you have to be jealous of?

I am not like you. I don't have anything that you haven't given me.

Oh - wait a minute.

I don't have anything that you haven't given me?

I don't have anything that you haven't given me.


I do not have anything that YOU haven't given me!

Yikes!  My home? My husband? My kids? My friends?

My assurance.

Your love! Your grace! Your forgiveness! Your sufficiency! Your redemption!

Should I ask for more? Do I dare? Won't I bother you? What if I ask for the wrong things?